2015 is gone and in 2016 new hopes are surging in the mobile app market. The previous year was marked by the festivals when customers swar...
How can you refine 404 error page?
It is quite a moment of frustration when user lands on a 404 error page. However, a creative and entertaining 404 page is designed by incr...
Get ready to turn your TV into a smart wish-come-true device
In the world of technology , the unthinkable is most likely – and most expected – to happen. Apple along with its exaggerated launches and...
Mobile app trends 2016: perfect blend of fresh ideas and innovations
As the time is passing by, mobile is becoming an integral part of our daily lives. 2015 has been a great year for the mobile industry. Due...
How would Web CMS science emerge in 2016?
Tweaks, turns and transformations are three pillars that define brand new innovations in web technology. Due to changing landscape of tec...
Magento vs PrestaShop: Which one is better for your ecommerce business?
The market of ecommerce is raging up day-by-day. Magento being an open source platform is the first choice for most online stores while Pr...
Here are the most fruitful tips to boost your ecommerce for 2016
At the start of the New Year, you might have made some resolution. So if experiencing sky-rocketing growth for your online business is you...